Mohamed Ali Kotti is a passionate producer and renowned olive grower who combines organic farming and the production of high quality oil. Its olive trees are located mainly in the regions of Sfax, the Sahel and the northwest.
Olea Kotti was born from a passion and a love for the olive tree transmitted from father to son for three generations. It is the story of a family that knew how to respect, maintain and cultivate olive groves, some of which have been established since 1890.
We met Mohamed Ali for the first time in December 2021 in his mill in Sidi El Hani. His oils immediately impressed us with their remarkable taste, high polyphenol content and low acidity. Mohamed Ali Kotti produces exceptional organic oils from the Chemlali and Chetoui varieties. His art was quickly crowned with success, his oil garnering countless awards.
During our visit to the Bir Chaaba Domain, we were impressed by these huge olive trees still standing for centuries on the distant hills. Their rough and often tortuous trunks fit into this magnificent landscape.

A unique organic extra virgin olive oil that has been selected for you with great care and love from among the best olive oils in Tunisia. Fine and harmonious, rich in aromas, it will bring a touch of perfection to your finest recipes.